Sunday, September 27, 2015

It will be wise to view disabilities whether mild or acute as gifts. These disabilities will surely impact us socially, emotionally, physiologically and psychologically. What's important for such persons to know is that they aren't spiritually disabled. Stephen Hawking (b. 1942), an English theoretical physicist, author and Director of Research at the Centre of Theoretical Cosmology with the University of Cambridge explained that “my advice to other disabled people would be, concentrate on things that your disability doesn't prevent you from doing well, and don't regret the things it interferes with. Don't be disabled in spirit as well as physically.” Hawking's advice is insightful and these comments ought to be taken seriously especially by those with disabilities.

Christian Perspectives

According to Jewish laws in the New Testament lepers were considered unclean (Matthew 11:5 NRSV). They lived separate lives in certain communities and were considered outcasts. Jesus broke this stereotype when he socialized with them and healed them. His relationship with these lepers angered the religious leaders of his day. Jesus also healed many others including the blind and the paralytic.

In the New Testament Paul one of Jesus' leading apostles grappled with his own affliction. He was truly grieved and was in anguish by a thorn in his flesh (2 Corinthians 12:7-10 NRSV), but was never relieved of this suffering although praying three times for relief. He was told that God's grace was enough for him to live with such an affliction. This incident tells us how we must look at afflictions that befall us. Some Christian theologians point to the redemptive nature of suffering. These Christians who are walking in the light may offer it up to God as substitutes for a world riddled with sin.

Images of the Disabled

In some films and TV programs we may often see emotionally and the physically disabled that are portrayed as shewed that viewers may prefer not to watch. What makes it worse is that these scenes show the disabled being involved in criminal activities for example - sexual abuse, violence, theft and murders. Further we may watch depictions of those with deformities portrayed as freaks. But some socially responsible shows may seriously deal with issues that show caregivers, mental health workers, drugs and alcohol addiction specialists addressing ways of helping deal with these problems. Often the disabled are referred to as victims when they don't see themselves that way.

Eva Mendes (b. 1974), an American actress, model and singer believed that “people are incapable of stereotyping you; you stereotype yourself because you're the one who accepts roles that put you in the rut of this stereotype.” It appears that Mendes must have been reacting to the acting roles in which she found herself. But what about the disabled that have no say about all the negative images that are about them in the mass media? It's hoped that producers and directors will become more sensitive to the plight of the disabled.

Understanding of the Disabled

From time to time there's a ray of hope on the horizon in dealing with the disabled. Some telethons take the lead when they raise money for such causes. Some public-service programs focus on finding cures for diseases like cancer, HIV-AIDS, Parkinson's disease, and sickle cell anemia among others. Edmund Burke (1729 – 1797), an Anglo-Irish statesman, author and political theorist stated that “the only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” Burke was addressing the situation of some that will take the low road in exploiting the disabled as opposed to those who will recognize their gifts and build them up.

Like citizens in democratic societies the mass media has a social responsibility to its audience. It must reach out to every segment of the population whether disabled or not. Such an approach has ramifications for media professionals to provide healing for the afflicted. It could then be said like Daniel Day-Lewis (b. 1957), an English actor that he was living “... in a landscape, which every single day of my life is enriching.” This is when people will realize that the world is blessed with talented but disabled people. It's for us to bring their gifts to the salad bowl of our local, national and international cultures for they enrich our lives.

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